Contact Lenses


Multifocal Contact Lenses are used for presbyopia

Soft Lenses

Soft lenses are made from gel-like, water-containing plastics called hydrogels, and cover the entire cornea. Silicone hydrogel contact lenses are an advanced type of soft lens that transmit more oxygen to the eye than regular hydrogel soft lenses.


SOFT TORIC LENSES are used in cases of astigmatism where regular soft lenses cannot correct the vision

GP Lenses

GP lenses, also known as RGP or "oxygen permeable" lenses, are made from rigid, waterless plastics and are especially good for presbyopia and high astigmatism. GP lenses are smaller in diameter and often provide sharper vision than soft lenses.

Hard Lenses

Hard lenses are made from a rigid plastic material called PMMA that does not transmit oxygen to the eye. These lenses have virtually been replaced by GP lenses and are rarely prescribed today.

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